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    Featured Projects

    1. MauHazard: The number of road accidents on the island is of increasing concern and as such, the prime reason for the proposal of this tool is to provide a means for training drivers to better perceive and react to potential hazardous situations. (Download Overview)
    2. Air Quality Measurement Project: In a survey conducted by the World Health Organisation (WHO) in 2014, it was estimated that about three million deaths are caused by air pollution. The project aims at investigating the impact of traffic jams on the ambient air quality in Mauritius. (Download Overview)
    3. Carbon Management Framework: Mauritius is not spared by the adverse effects of climate change on its natural flora and fauna. In recent years, several environmental indicators have revealed the detrimental changes brought by climate invariability to the island including increase in average temperature. These environmental changes, which are expected to worsen in the decades to come, are the outcomes of an increase in greenhouse effect. 
      To address this problem, this research project aimed to develop a carbon management framework to assess, reduce and sensitize employees within tertiary education institutions in Mauritius, after measuring their carbon emissions via the use of existing calculators. (Download Overview)
    4. Towards Green Consumption of Electronic Devices: During the past few decades, the adoption of electric and electronic devices (e.g. television sets, computers and refrigerators, among others) in both households and businesses has brought immense benefits to human beings, such as increased productivity, improved entertainment and communication, and much more. However, their increasing utilization has proved to adversely impact the environment and human health. This is principally because these devices are power-dependent and the generation of electricity is known as a key cause of climate change due to the use of nonrenewable sources (e.g. coal or oil) that releases carbon dioxide, pollutants and Sulfur into the atmosphere. This study aimed to assess the effectiveness of using an Augmented Reality approach to improve awareness on green consumption of electronic devices. (Download Overview)

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